All our coffee is roasted in Italy specifically in Padova. Our caffee is roasted to enhance its features, using different types of roasting. Our production includes three types of caffee blends, using the finest quality coffee.
- “ORO”
has a sweet and light aroma and it contains a blend of 80% Arabica and 20% Robusta;- “VIOLA”
has a firm and full bodied aroma and it contains a blend of 80% Arabica and 20% Robusta;- “ROSSO”
has a strong and creamy aroma and it contains a blend of 20% Arabica and 80% Robusta.
We also roast other coffee blends.
All our coffee blends above are sold not only in beans but also in pods and grounded.
The packaging can be of different weight. If the customer asks, we can also personalize the packaging