About us
The Italian brand “Royal Caffè Trieste” was born in the late 50’s in Muggia Trieste and sells high quality coffee. In the 90’s with a new buyer, the brand “Royal Caffè Trieste” almost completely abandons market and expands to Austria and Germany.
In 2007 the brand “Royal Caffè Trieste” was bought by Caffè Royal S.a.s. of Venturini Doriano & C.
With our acquisition of the brand “Royal Caffè Trieste”, the head office is in Italy in Dolo (Venice) while the commercial network is operating in the area of Padova – Riviera del Brenta – Chioggia – Friuli Venezia Giulia and Milan.
Since February 2009 we have a collaboration with Spain precisely with Barcelona giving the exclusivity for our goods to a wholesaler.
- There are various Coffea species, but the two most common area Coffea Arabica and Coffea Robusta.
- ARABICA: comes from South America and it is the most highly prized. It is very delicate to the weather conditions, infact it doesn’t preserve its characteristics when the weather changes. In the market there are about 30 types of Arabico Coffee. We use the six best types four our blend of Arabico Coffee.
- ROBUSTA: comes from Africa/Asia and it is nota s superior as the Arabico, but it preserves its characteristics when the weather changes. In the market there are about 30 types of Robusta Coffee. We use five types four our blend.